Sokxay S-MAX

With care and attention to your car, S-Max can answer your car complaint

Free Check 30 items Location: Sisavath Village, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital Interested inquiries: 021 264879 020 59854571 020 52323655

How to properly maintain car paint during the rainy season


1 Wash your car regularly to prevent dirt build-up
2 Do not use a dry cloth to wipe the car after rain as it may cause scarring
3 When driving in the rain, do not drive in the sun to dry out the rain
4 Car paint coating, if there is free time, reduce the occurrence of water stains, easy to clean

Location: Sisavath Village, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital

Interesting: 021 264879 020 59854571 020 52323655

Free nitrogen refills ❗️


If you think you do not have time to check the tires or drive for a long time, it is a good reason to fill the air with nitrogen because the nitrogen wind has a leakage rate of up to 5 times the normal tire pressure, which makes people who do not have time to worry about leaking tires or not.

For more information ☎️ 021 264879